Workplace Policies

Workplace harassment Policy

Excel personnel inc. has adopted a zero tolerance policy with respect to workplace violence, intimidation, bullying and harassment and is committed to taking all necessary measures to prevent and stop any form of harassing or violent behaviour.

At no time will threats or acts of physical violence, intimidation, bullying, harassment and/or undue pressure be tolerated with respect to the company or its employees, or to clients and/or their employees. Failure to adhere to this policy will result in disciplinary action that may result in dismissal.

An employee who believes he or she is the target of inappropriate or malicious acts and/or behaviours may contact a representative of Excel personnel inc..


  • Interview report with victim;
  • Interview report with the accused party or his or her immediate supervisor, if not an agency worker;
  • Interview report with witnesses or client.


Upon completion of the investigation, Excel personnel inc. will provide a written report on the results obtained and will make recommendations to prevent a recurrence. Any information obtained with regard to an incident or complaint of workplace harassment, including information identifying the persons involved, will not be disclosed unless disclosure is mandatory for investigation purposes or to take corrective action with respect to the incident or if required by law.

After the investigation, the victim and the alleged perpetrator (if an employee of Excel personnel inc.) will be informed of the results and the corrective action that will be taken. There will be no reprisals for a worker who files a complaint. However, if it is determined that a false accusation was made in bad faith, the appropriate action will be taken.


Policy on Possession, Use and Trafficking of Drugs and Alcohol
in the Workplace


To avoid any misunderstanding over the new rules on drug use, Excel personnel inc. wishes to outline its position on the use of cannabis and alcohol in the workplace and during work hours by its workers.

It is important to bear in mind that the main goal of the Act respecting occupational health and safety (AOHS) is the elimination, at the source, of dangers to the health, safety and physical well-being of workers. Because the use of drugs and alcohol may cause impairment and thus entails risks to workers’ health and safety, it is important to remind everyone of our policy in this regard.

As an employer, Excel personnel inc. has an obligation to protect the health, safety, and physical and mental well-being of all its employees. Every measure will therefore be put in place to ensure compliance with this obligation.

Please note that this policy applies to all employees of Excel personnel inc., without exception.


The main objectives of this policy are the following:

  • Prevent any dangers, at the source, to the health, safety and physical well-being of workers so as to avoid any accident relating to the use of drugs and alcohol.
  • Provide the necessary information to workers of Excel personnel inc. on the effects, risks and consequences that may arise from the use of drugs and alcohol in the workplace.
  • Ensure that all workers of Excel personnel inc. are safe at work and in the workplace, and that work is performed safely.
  • Protect the company’s image. Over the years, Excel personnel inc. has built a trusting relationship with its partners through the quality of work performed by its employees, and it wishes to maintain that relationship by establishing clear rules that foster success for all.



Alcohol: a liquid or beverage obtained by distillation and causing impairment.
Drug: a natural or synthetic substance that alters a person’s state of awareness or mental activity.
Employee: a person who works for an employer in exchange for which the person receives pay.
Employer: an entity that has work performed by an employee, in exchange for pay.
High-risk job: a job with a high risk of an event that may cause physical damage to oneself, someone else or property.
Impairment: a state in which a person is unable to act in full possession of his faculties and display judgment.
Marijuana: a substance that may exist in various forms, is derived from a plant, and causes impairment. Also called cannabis.
Screening test: a medical examination to detect the presence of a substance in the body. Various forms of screening tests can be performed, using a saliva, breath or blood specimen.
Under the influence: the mere fact of having consumed alcohol or used drugs is not a violation in itself. There must be the presence of evidence that the employee is under the influence of such substances (red eyes, unsteady gait, slurred speech, etc.) and that his ability to perform his job is adversely impacted.
Work hours: the period during which a person is required to perform his job and his presence is required in the workplace.
Workplace: a location where work takes place. This may include an establishment, facility, construction site, vehicle, etc.
Zero tolerance: no breach, infraction, violation or transgression will be tolerated, and a penalty may be applied.

General Principles

Excel personnel inc. will not tolerate any use, in the workplace or during work hours, of alcoholic beverages or licit or illicit drugs. The use of any substance that may impair judgment or adversely affect the safe performance of work is also prohibited.

Consequently, all persons in the employ of Excel personnel inc. shall adhere to a policy of zero tolerance. This means that, when performing their jobs, employees must have a zero blood alcohol level and must not be impaired owing to the use of any drug.

Every employee is responsible for being fit to perform his job duties upon showing up for work and must remain so throughout the day. An employee impaired by alcohol, recreational drugs or prescription drugs must not attempt to perform his job, nor be present in the workplace. In cases where an employee must take prescription drugs of any kind, this should not prevent him from performing his job duties diligently.

Any violation of this policy and, more generally, of occupational health and safety regulations, constitutes serious misconduct that may result in dismissal from the first offence. A screening test may be ordered if the situation so requires. Furthermore, employees assigned to high-risk jobs who perform their duties while impaired will be subject to more severe penalties, even dismissal.


This policy applies to all employees of Excel personnel inc.: employees working in one of our branches, those assigned to our clients, on-call employees, employees who have a job on the road, and all other specific cases referring to an employee of Excel personnel inc. Furthermore, this policy applies from the moment work commences and up until the employee has left the workplace.

This policy will apply impartially to everyone, with the utmost confidentiality and discretion on the part of management.

Roles and Responsibilities

A. Employees

Under the terms of the AOHS, employees must take the necessary measures to ensure their health, safety or physical well-being. Every employee of Excel personnel inc. is responsible for adhering to this policy. We count on each and everyone to play an active role in its enforcement to ensure the health and safety of all. Consequently, any employee who notices that a fellow worker is non-compliant with this policy has the moral responsibility to notify a manager, representative or consultant of Excel personnel inc. accordingly so that action is taken to remedy the situation.

B. Company

Excel personnel inc. intends to take all possible measures to fulfill its occupational health and safety responsibilities. The AOHS requires that every employer protect the health, safety, and physical and mental well-being of all its workers. Consequently, every manager, representative or consultant of Excel personnel inc. is responsible for ensuring that all staff members are fit to perform their jobs in compliance with safety regulations and without any danger to others. An employee may be removed from his job without notice if he:

  1. 1) Shows signs of drug or alcohol use, such as:
    • red eyes;
    • incoherent speech or abundant flow of words;
    • increased appetite (munchies);
    • hilarity;
    • euphoria;
    • disinhibition;
    • loss of balance.
  2. 2) Shows signs of impairment or other signs of incapacity, whether or not related to the use of alcohol, recreational drugs or prescription drugs.

In addition, any manager, representative or consultant of Excel personnel inc. who witnesses a problem situation or has a reasonable doubt as to an employee’s capacity to perform his job correctly must intervene diligently with that person.

Prevention and Employee Assistance

Excel personnel inc. recognizes that dependence on alcohol, recreational drugs or prescription drugs is a medical disorder that can be successfully treated. We further recognize that in order to successfully treat the disorder, it is the employee’s responsibility to take the necessary measures. For that reason, Excel personnel inc. strongly encourages the persons concerned to seek help and guidance from the various resources that exist to prevent and fight drug and alcohol dependence.

Below are just some of the resources available:

  • Website of the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux (French only)
  • Your local CLSC
  • Drugs: Help and Referral
    Call toll-free from anywhere in Quebec, or locally in Montreal.
    Toll-free: 1-800-265-2626
    Montreal: 514-527-2626
  • Tel-jeunes
    Youth hotline. Call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, toll-free from anywhere in Quebec.
    Toll-free: 1-800-263-2266
    Montreal: 514-600-1002 (text message from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.)
  • LigneParents
    Parent hotline. Call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, toll-free from anywhere in Quebec.
    Toll-free: 1-800-361-5085


Disciplinary and Administrative Measures

An employee who is caught not adhering to the provisions of this policy may receive, amongst other things, the following penalties: suspension, termination of assignment, or dismissal. Note that an employee may be dismissed by Excel personnel inc. from the first violation, without notice. His file will be closed and the employee will be excluded from the agency indefinitely.

Application of Policy and Effective Date

This policy will apply in its entirety from the date it takes effect. In addition, every manager, representative and consultant of Excel personnel inc. is responsible for ensuring that it is enforced.

We wish to point out that all information collected with respect to the administration of this policy will remain confidential.

Please note that this policy is effective from 17/10/2018 and will be reviewed annually.



Legislation governing this policy:

  • Charter of human rights and freedoms

4. Every person has a right to the safeguard of his dignity, honour and reputation.
5. Every person has a right to respect for his private life.

  • Act respecting occupational health and safety

2. The object of this Act is the elimination, at the source, of dangers to the health, safety and physical well-being of workers.

49. A worker must

  • (…)
  • (2) take the necessary measures to ensure his health, safety or physical well-being;
    (3) see that he does not endanger the health, safety or physical well-being of other persons at or near his workplace;
  • (…)
  • (5) participate in the identification and elimination of risks of work accidents or occupational diseases at his workplace;

51. Every employer must take the necessary measures to protect the health and ensure the safety and physical well-being of his worker.

  • An Act to constitute the Société québécoise du cannabis, to enact the Cannabis Regulation Act and to amend various highway safety-related provisions
  • Cannabis Act


Statement of Non-discrimination:
Please note that the masculine gender is used solely to simplify the text. This policy applies to everyone, without discrimination or distinction of any kind.